Friday, February 28, 2014

Tomorrow is March!

Today is one of those days, when you wonder if it will EVER be spring.   It's -20 outside, yet again, and the snow is white and the air is more than crisp.  The sun makes the snow glisten like little ballerina's twirling like stars on opening night.    And the cold blue sky stands still.  

But did I mention tomorrow is MARCH?   March, already!   And even though the groundhog said that it was going to be six more weeks of winter, I can already sense what is to come.   Soon, maybe in another 2 or 3 weeks, the sun will come out, the temperature will rise, and the cold dry snow will turn wet and begin to melt like freezies on a warm summer day.  It will drip and begin to make slush puddles.   There will suddenly be more birds dancing and diving in the sky, and the chirping will get louder.  Neighbors will be outside putting Christmas décor away.   People will begin to take off their hats, and unzip their coats, and the lake, now frozen over, will give way for the sound of waves as the ice breaks up and we begin to see the blue water once again.

The world will take on this cheerfulness about it.   The promise of new life, hope, and budding flowers will be upon us.  And walking outside, once again, will become something that feels easy and fun.  

So while, everyone huddles inside today, on the last gorgeous and perhaps coldest day of the year, I like to think about what's coming.   And, oh, it's going to be good.  Spring will soon be in the air.   So for now, enjoying the last days of winter and all this glistening white powder reminds me about how amazing seasons are.  About how everything can change in an instant, and how there is ALWAYS a bright wonderful spring that follows even the coldest of winters.

And this, I think is one of the most conforting and rewarding thoughts there is.


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